David Cronenberg's THE FLY - ****/5

You know, its actually sad that many of you have never seen a film by legendary Canadian filmmaker David Cronenberg. Sad since hes one of the few directors that I know of to have quite a lengthy filmography, yet be consistently good/great or at least interesting, something we probably can't say for many filmmakers we certainly love.

Finally sat down and watched one film of his career that oddly I hadn't seen yet, his one major Hollywood box-office hit in THE FLY. Like John Carpenter's THE THING, Cronenberg's remake of the 50's B-monster sci-fi classic is far superior to the original motion picture, and has amazing puppet/Make-Up FX that is still amazing twenty years after being concocted, along with rather career-peak acting from Jeff Goldblum, who's unfortunately never been given such the lead in a Hollywood film or as much to work with as he has with this picture.

Truely a "Monster Movie" done really well in the horrors, the "High Concept" of the premise, and really of sorts a sad story with a not-so-happy conclusion.

Honestly, it really re-enforced how honestly that the American Horror cinema itself at the present time is so damn awful, weak, repetitive, and boring(except for maybe Rob Zombie's who's THE DEVIL'S REJECTS did impress me).

While Cronenberg has apparently a leading Oscar-contender in A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, also check out some of his other pictures in THE FLY certainly, but also VIDEODROME, NAKED LUNCH, THE DEAD ZONE, SCANNERS, THE BROOD, EXISTENZ, and so on.