Originally Posted By: Ciment
Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Arpaio's a piece of shit who knowingly violated constitutional rights on countless occasions. Arrest all the illegals in the country, still doesn't change what he did. Not to mention plenty of American citizens have suffered in those inhuman conditions right along with any illegals in the tent cities.

Let's not forget the fake pipe bomb story and the 18 year old kid who spent years in jail behind it. I believe if you do the crime you can do the time, but we have constitutional rights for a reason. Then again, most of the die-hard law and order types love to forget Amendment #8.

Where are the constitutional rights of American citizens ( including American citizens from every ethnic background & including good law abiding Mexicans who are legal American citizens) when certain illegals are allowed to come into the country, commit countless crimes like RAPE,TORTURE & MURDER and are allowed to stay in the country and be protected under sanctuary cities because of leftist mayors that choose to ignore federal law.
It seems that certain people apply more efforts in protecting illegals constitutional rights than protecting the constitutional rights of American citizens. It shameful that this is permitted along party lines for the sake of achieving one's vote rather than doing the right thing. Let us not forget the thousand of illegals that die, because of exploitation from drug dealers/human traffickers, trying to make it to the border but nobody cares about them.

Please check my post. I believe anyone, illegal or otherwise, should suffer repurcussions for their crimes. What I don't believe in is blanket methods of torture, such as the tent cities, that also violate the rights of American citizens. Arpaio has been guilty of that for a long time. This isn't about sanctuary cities, this is about a guy who grossly abused his power for decades.