Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Do the Constitutional rights of the numerous American citizens detained without cause in the Arpaio case not count?

Was Judge Murray Snow wrong when he ruled in 2013 that Arpaio was violating both the 4th and the 14th amendment rights of said American citizens who were both plaintiffs and declarants in the case?

Are we willing to trade away the rights of our fellow citizens for a false sense of security from 'scary' illegals? Not concerned about abuse of power by law enforcement? Willing to accept innocent American women and their children like Diane Solis being held at gunpoint?

This fucking place sometimes lol

No, I am not willing to trade off rights of American citizens. Even if this judge was appointed by Bush, but I am sick and tired of this politics played especially by leftist liberals and republican establishments (rinos). Meanwhile the immigration issue never gets resolved more Americans are getting killed or have become victims of crime and drugs. Illegals die in the desert trying to get across the border and are victim to drug dealers and human traffickers. Leftist liberals do not want immigration issues resolved it serves their purpose for election votes. Then you have establishment swamp that want cheap labor for corporations.
Furthermore, it is the leftist liberals that are more engaged in violence and racial divided so I do not need lectures from leftist liberals. You can swear all you want. smile

Last edited by Ciment; 09/07/17 11:47 AM.