So he was sitting there on a nice street corner and saw a Mr
Softie, decided he wanted a nice ice cream... why not, life is good... it tastes great... then next thing BAM, he's getting blasted by a car load of guys and ends up hiding in a freezer

I'm willing to bet EVERY single time Casso saw ice cream be it in a restaurant or kids eating it, it reminded him of that incident which we all know deeply affected him

That's when he went on to become a maniac in his obsession for revenge

He was NEVER able to look at a Mr Softie van like a normal person would again....each time one passed him, I bet he was looking up and down the road visualising a hit squad jumping out being the paranoid mother that he was!

Heck, he was one step away from whacking Mr Softie the same
way he ordered an associate dead when he dreamt the guy was a rat