So goint back to mid 90tys chin broke bobby manna down and made jimmy ida official consig. Little al says he was running the family. When they indict ida and street boss barney and mickey dimino g. As acting underboss after 97 theres abunch of acting bosses main one quiet dom. Then ive read mario g and matt horse. Even that guy artie nigro was indicted as some type of boss and thou i believe he was just giving the orders to the springfield crew around 2005 and they fliped and fucked him. Around that time a wired up guy asks angelo prisco whod he surport for boss leo or barney he says barney. Yaeh there good at the keep the feds and press guessing game. Say if barney is the boss and has been for the last 3 4 yrs how much longer would he need the money guys 60ty and rich. But these dudes are in it for life sometimes you forget.