A History of Violence
(2005/David Cronenberg)
**** out of ****
[First Viewing]

A small town man becomes a hero after killing two hoodlums who hold up his restaurant.

Powerful, unnerving, and chilling are some of the words used to describe this masterpiece, but many critics have failed to mention the amazing performance by Viggo Mortensen, easily the best of the decade. He embodies his character so well, and is always believable. There has not been such a dynamic character like this since Al Pacino played Michael Corleone in "The Godfather". And dare I say Mortensen is even better?
The film is so thought provoking, exploring themes of identity and the lives we make for ourselves. Maria Bello is excellent as the confused wife, Ed Harris truly frightening in a 'Max Cady' type of role, and William Hurt is darkly hilarious as a mob boss. The direction is slow and observant, never glorifying violence, but only showing us the darkness of it.
In my opinion, this is the best film of 2005, and it will be hard to surpass.

How am I not myself?