Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
Hypothetical question:

Would Phil have been better off not trying to whack the Sopranos,but instead leaving things the way they were?
On the one hand,Tony's Family would always be a "glorified crew" as far as the big leagues go,but that could be an advantage.Phil could always propose some joint ventures (on the pretext of clearing up the bad blood between them)thereby getting Tony's guys to take some risks,yet still kick up a share. I think if Phil would have told Tony that all was forgiven (of course it wouldn't be)Tony's ego and desire to be a "real" Don would have made him a perfect puppet for Phil.

On the other hand,Phil's obsession with whacking the Soprano administration resulted in a state of war,diminished earnings for both sides,and ultimately his betrayal by his right hand guy,who saw the vendetta for what it was,and correctly realized that it personal,not business,and had to stop.

So what do you guys (and gals)think?

Well if I look at Phil's perspective he feels that his brother was murdered and it was never really avenged, he was also nearly murdered By Tony B, a few guys of his were killed by Jersey, and Tony was always trying hold out of him in regards to deals. In reality New York would crush jersey in a matter of seconds so that's what Phil was thinking after having enough I guess. Unfortunetly one of the flaws of the show is that they make Jersey just as strong if not stronger than new York which is crazy.