
You kinda hit it on the head.... In his book, Bonnano said HE was beginning to have problems with Maranzanos dictatorial style, and was chaffing under his leadership as well.

I think a lot of it was the time period. There was just TOO much money to be made, by too many people, at TOO young an age, and TOO ambitious to sit around waiting for permission from someone a generation removed to go out and grab what was right in front of their faces.

I think more than anything, AGE played a big part in it. At that point in time, even though he was a Sicilian through and through, Bonnanos ambitions and needs were more in line with the similarly aged Luciano, Adonis types.......

I said it before, businesses like liquor, drugs, they are actually BIGGER than the mafia, bigger than JUST the Sicilian community, or the WASP community, or the Jewish community, or the Irish community, or Black community.

(Think about it, you could ONLY do something like the black hand, or similar extortion in like your own ethnic area, whereas you can sell drugs, liquor, tobacco to anyone, basically anywhere... Hell they coulda sold sacramental wine to CHURCHES!!)

Everyone is going to drink, as long as people work long hard hours, or have to deal with a breakup or death in a family. Or want to unwind on the weekend, or have to deal with emotion they don't want to, as long as there is human nature, there will always be a market for things like alchohol, tobacco, drugs.....

These things transcend any race, religion, gender, territory, geography, whatever.....