Originally Posted By: Quiet_Doms
Opposite ends? What do you mean Serp... I thought him and Phil were too of the most feared hitters in the Family! Unless you know something I don't lol (I value your insight btw) 😎

They were " but Phil was the silver spoon type , and Blade was street all the way . Blade worked in the restaurant business anywhere from maître d" to bus person .

It all depended on if he was sober when hired .... he would get a maître d' job and blow it !! He would be out of work and then get bad . Something bad would happen one night or day and Nick would yell at him or other and he would bounce back .

But him and Phil were totally opposite but in the same business Phil genuinely liked Blade!

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."