Originally Posted By: PHL_Mob
Why would owning a restaurant indicate that Phil is out of the life? I would venture to say that the majority of active mobsters do own and actively operate restaurants and/or bars. It's a heavy cash flow business and thus a great way to launder dirty money. For instance, Patsy Parello who we've been talking about for a while now owns his own restaurant (Patsy's Rigoletto) on Arthur Ave, actively manages it and I've also not only gives interviews with regards to his restaurant but I've even seen video interviews of him on YouTube so I don't think I'd rule Phil Narducci out of the life just because he's opened a restaurant that is getting decent media coverage/hype. As Tony Soprano said "I keep telling these guys, you need to show legitimate income".

I have to agree with PHL here. If anything id think this may be a sign hes back in., how else does he get the scratch to open this place? I guess maybe family money from Ralphs I believe.. but idk if him or his brother owned that place, but either way the money came from crime one way or another. My guess is Phil bein as Leonetti says a true gangster, he knkw you have to have legit income or hed be an automatic target. Any philly posters heard anything concrete about him having a crew? For what its worth last we heard GA and Mayo face said he headed one of those factions in the family

And Moe although your analogy of not wanting to give money to a pedophile is a little extreme, I understand your point..but tbh idc that hes a gangster , ill admt im a mob nerd and id absolutely go to Chicks and have a meal hoping to spot him or his brother or nephew like a complete tool lol

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"