Originally Posted By: Stubbs
Originally Posted By: alicecooper
I just saw a preview for the new Gotti movie and it looked like s complete Hollywood blowjob from travolta and some producers to John jr and the ny mob.

Am I wrong? Where is the money coming from for this film? Is the script "approved"?

Maybe Mickey rourke and Robert Duvall (?) can tell me if I should
Like it???

When he came gone he was normal. Like normal means your unsupervised kid rides a mini bike into the street between parked cars and jets run over...and you have the car driver murdered. Nice people. Oh yeah.

I'm shocked that anyone thought otherwise. John Jr has been the one pushing for this film to be made, of course it's going to make his dad look like a saint.

Did anyone really think it was going to be objective? Prediction - I bet it fails to mention all the junk Gene and the rest of the Gottis were slangin during the 80's.

That's what I was asking. Now that I know jr is fully behind it I know it will be total garbage.