Dilorenzo..u sound ridiculous...either chin met scarfo or didnt..once
.twice...how many minimal times is irrelevant, he met him..because of what ever respect he had for him he met him...if u r trying to equate the 2 situations, then u are shooting holes in your own argument, he met scarfo..where do i comment on whether a bentlry brings negative exposure, no where in my post do i comment on it , never have, nor will i..what i said, is u all equate the pretty boy persona as of if he wouldnt slice u in half, he most certainly would..and u equate people saying barnie is a recluse family man to him not leaving the house to tall to no one..which is 10000 percent not the case, dont give a shit what capeci or anyone says, he talks to people, just lile everyone else...who u think he did time with, fuckin choir boys? He dont talk to any of them? U obviously know vert little about the life itself..not saying hes riding shotgun in whatever ferrari joey jas in boca this weekend..what im saying is if either of them felt the need to meet..they would...barney wouldnt say 'joey drove a Bentley, cant meet him on this'...sounds so naive and foolish, cinsidering 2 of his alleged captains are in a fed case with him..

Last edited by Biggie; 07/23/17 03:57 PM.