Originally Posted By: VitoSpatafore

From 16th and Porter.. live in jersey now... Billy Riddle is out on bail according to court documents on July 6. Feel like he might be the coconspirator listed.

Riddle and all these kids knew each other in some aspect. Dean F and Dinardo were friends.

Vito- oh ok so you're from the heart of S philly, respect my man im just a shithead from the burbs lol

I didn't know Billy Riddle was out on bail, but he is a fuckin sick piece of shit. He just attacked that poor kid so bad they had to remove parts of his skull.. and all bc he walked by their house party and may have said something.. he deserves to be put to death and thats the lawyer in me talking. His rap sheet at 19 is ridiculous, theres no way hes ever rehabilitated, he needs to be put down

As far as Dinardos co-conspirators idk if u saw news but his cousin Sean Kratz was arrested and charged w quadruple murder.. he allegedly shot 3 of them

Was it ever confirmed that they all knew Billy Riddle? I don't doubt ur info my friend, just haven't read that

Side note but apparently Cosmo Dinardo confessed to killing 2 other people 5 years ago ehen he was 15 years old.. just absolutely scum of the Earth.. cops said they're trying to confirm this, but said it has the ring of truth

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"