Sounds quite damn awesome Vercetti...I'll check it out on DVD.


I finally witness the infamous Kevin Costner starring/directing big-budget flop that swept the Razzies(yearly awards for worst of the year) and...its not THAT bad. Its just a meh film stuck with somehow a wrong approach of storytelling, combined with rough editing and some hokey moments that I could have lived without. Not a terrible film, but definately a flat movie inbetween Costner's actual-good directorial films DANCES WITH WOLVES and OPEN RANGE.

THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE - **1/2 out of 5

From Taylor Hackford, who somehow squeezed himself a Best Director and Picture noms for his decent but really overrated-as-hell RAY, this decent and watchable supernatural thriller with Al Pacino entertaining as hell as the one and only Prince of Darkness. Nice if nothing extraordinary work from the rest of the class, including ole Keanu Reeves being his stoic-self. Then again, maybe he is a good counter-weight to Pacino going all over the place.