Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
but my hatred of Bay comes from his poor filmmaking and his attitude, which is why I often use him as the epitome of a bad filmmaker.

And for your terms, for action FILM, see Collateral or even Falling Down.
I have seen both, and liked them though I didn't like Collateral near as much as you did. I liked everything except for the script, the rest of the movie was awesome, note the lack of the word "dude" after I said awesome, because I am in fact saying that that movie caused me to sit there in awe for a number of reason (the ending not being one of them) And yes I would tend to put them more in the "film" category.

Myself I use Uwe Boll as the epitome of bad filmmaking, he is even a bad moviemaker. I mean there were so many elements in House of the Dead that should have added up to at least a decent movie but don't - it would be more entertaining to watch a movie made by a monkey throwing feces on a roll of film

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