Hey ronnie, I'm not Irish I don't care if you give me a hard time, it is not going to affect how or what I post.

Ronnie and Don V, you're like a tag team, was that coordinated? Mann, yes is superior to Bay in terms of "film". Bay makes "movies" and yes the Island did suck, but when I say that The Transporter 2 will make you appreciate Bay, I don't mean over other "film" makers. In terms for you'll I'm saying that getting kicked in the balls will make you apprciate getting slapped in the face instead.

The first Transporter was good in terms of "movies". Statham was great as the Transporter, yes the Asian actress did have a hard time delivering her lines in English. And yes it is shallow to comment on someones "hotness" when talking about a film but come on movies are a visual medium and you're lying if you say that you would rather watch ugly people. True if they have material to work with, ugly people with talent would be better but it is not like were talking about films with good material here.

The Transporter 2 did somewhat try to go for that cartoonish feel but it failed because the rest of the film did not gel with the style of bad effects that they used. As a whole it seems fractured when you have the effects shots side by side with the rest of the movie, bad effects can be used with great um...effect if the rest of the movie can support it, here it cannot.

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