@ VegasMikey

You crack me up my man, Ciro was a RAT from the beginning, he gave up the shipment.....and woulda kept sabatoging the clan for his own benefit.....

Even Genny sensed he had to command respect, and not depend on Ciro. But the show did a great job of showing how it's the Families, the clans run by the actual family members that have the most power..... Imma just saw how much influence Ciro had over Genny, who was supposed to be the boss... Contrast this with Pietro who commanded so much fear and authority he had Ciro drink a glass of piss, lol just as a test of loyalty after he lied to the Dons face....

Imma' s mistake is that she didn't pay Ciro the proper respect of a real gangster and true enemy, and KILL HIS ASS ON THE SPOT, lol like he paid HER the proper respect by hitting her....

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 06/25/17 02:45 AM.