Terry Gilliam is quite a talented filmmaker with many remarkables movies in his resume: BRAZIL, FEAR & LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, FISHER KING, etc.

However, the online reviewers are right: Gilliam's latest and so-called "studio job" isn't an awful movie...its just as mediocre and flat as a young girl's chest.

Nice visuals, but after the boring terribly paced 1st half, I was horribly bored. I mean, I dig Gilliam to hell and I was having to deal with one mighty "meh" of a movie. Ouch!

The movie does kinda pick up steam by the 2nd half, but by then its way too late. Still, Its not a terrible movie, just the sort of movie that after you've seen it, you can only say one word: "MEH!"

Final Film Rating - **/5