I watched Kill Bill Vol 2 last night. I was hoping beings I forced myself to watch the first one this one would at least answer the questions that it left. I was glad it filled in the missing pieces, but to be honest this was not my type of movie. After the first 10 minutes I was so bored I was ready to turn it off. The whole scene with Bud at his work just seemed a waste of time. I was just hoping he would die and get it over with.
The first one was so creepy I was expecting all sorts of weird stuff. The only real gruesome think I could think of was when Darryl Hannah lost her eye. I was also kind of disappointed in the end. I thought Bill got it too easy. She should have cut his head off with her sword. To see her almost feel sorry for him and have her old feelings for him surface didn't do it justice. She had to kill all those people just to get to him, I don't think she got her justice.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.