Originally Posted By: Aces
Alite also comes across as a bully that preyed on the weak. Again, he was a boxer!! What was his amateur record? He surely fought in the gold gloves?
How the fuck can he say he was a boxer !!!!! Remember, on the street he gets to pick his marks whereas in the boxing ring he would of had to fight guys his own size and also he would have to fight actual boxers and not some shit head in a bar.. thats why you will never see his boxing record.
He tells a story how he abused some guy at his home , i think a contractor.
It was sadistic and bordered on sexual assault. Some weird shit. A good human being would never do something like that.

Of course he was a bully, that's the whole point of being a monster. The strong prey on the weak. The only ones that aren't bullies are the less hands on type earners/ businessmen

But even they can be bullies by bullying other contractors etc who says they have to get their hands dirty. Does it look like the "sweetheart Tommy Gambino" was going to come round and beat ya ass... he sends someone else to do it

They're all coward bullies