I'd have to say Eric Dickerson.

Wanna hear a story? I already told the funny one about seeing Jackie Slater naked. Giggle. lol Here's a different one. A few guys from my high school went pro. One of them lived a few blocks away. I was a teenager back then hanging around outside my house talking to my friends. My friend's brother came down the street with Joe, the football player, a HUGE linebacker. (college player at that time). We were all talking and the brother started teasing and busting Joe. So, he got mad and went after the friend. Well, the friend jumped over our wooden fence and right behind him came Joe. But, Joe didn't make it over the fence. Instead, we all watched the fence collapse and break into two pieces. Oh man, I knew my Dad was going to be pissed. The friend knocked on the door. And there was Joe holding half the fence, that's how strong he was, telling my Dad, yeah I'm real sorry about breaking your fence lol.

My Dad was out there the next day putting it back together but it never looked the same again. When Joe went pro, he played for Green Bay in the 90's. My Dad would see him on television, he'd say There he is, that ^*#%+*# who broke my #+=*^#% fence. grin