Originally posted by Vito's Legacy:
[quote]Originally posted by Don_Andrew:
[b] Chinatown (1974, Polanski)

"You´re a very nosy fellow, kitty-cat, huh?"

Private Eye Jake Gittes is hired by a woman to investigate her husband's alleged affair, but when the woman turns out to be a fake, Gittes becomes entangled in a huge web of corruption, fraud and crime.

Chinatown features template acting, especially on the parts of Nicholson and Dunaway. Polanski delivers an amazing film that is a timeless classic, and one of the best ever. Screen legend John Huston also gives a short but sweet performance as Mrs. Muhlray's father, the twist ending is very surprising.


"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown."
A great crime film to be sure, but has anyone seen the sequel The Two Jakes? I've seen it on my video store shelf, and it's intrigued me everytime I look at it. Worth a look?

(And BTW, the twist in Chinatown is definitely one of the best I've seen. It genuinally succeeds as one of those "OH MY GOD! WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!" moments). [/b][/quote]Well, I haven't seen The Two Jakes, but I've heard that it was one of those 'uneccesary' sequels, though I need to check it out myself...

Hey, how's it going?