Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[quote]Originally posted by suspect_5:
[b] The Island
This movie was somewhat disappointing, even for a Bay fan I give it a 63 D-.
What made you decide against 62% or 64 %? Why not give it D, instead of D-?

Mick [/b][/quote]Well it is mostly rated against the other Bay movies. Then I consider what I liked about it and what I thought was lacking, then I considered if it was in my collection how it would rank if I was in the mood for some bubblegum entertainment.
I didn't give it the lowest score in it's rank because I feel that there are several movies that also fall in that rank that I would watch this over, with 10 degrees in each rank I am able to further rank them in order to each other. I'm sure you have some movies that rank *** that you think are better than some other *** movie, hence the "63"

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