Not directly related to Suge(or maybe it is).It's about one of the guys that Suge tried to run over....Cle "Bone" Sloan and the film "Boyz N The Hood"

SPOILER ALERT if you've never seen the film.

Heard this story for years, but just read confirmed version of it from a producer of the film.

Nicolaides was aware of the potential for real violence. One night, after a long day of shooting, he got a phone call from a friend. He’d heard from “a guy named Bone, who runs the Bloods in an area they call ‘the Jungle’—which was right across the street from where we were going to do the scene where Ice Cube shoots the [gang members] who killed Ricky,” recalled Nicolaides. So Nicolaides met with Bone, who had a huge guy sitting next to him. Over dinner, Bone said, “ ‘Word on the street is that this little movie is dissing the Bloods.’ And I said, ‘No, nobody is affiliated to anyone.’ ”

“But Ice Cube’s wearing a blue Detroit Tigers hat, and the bad guy’s got a red [and black] Chicago Bulls hat on. They drive a red Hyundai—that’s dissing to me,” Bone said. “I don’t care about your little movie. I run a business here, and the profits that I make, I take the kids in my world to the ocean, I take them out fishing, but I can’t prevent some 14-year-old walking up with a 9-mm. and shooting Ice Cube in the back of the head if you’re going to shoot right across the street from me.”

So the next day Nicolaides went to the set and said, “John, you told me that colors didn’t matter, and now the hood thinks that Boyz N the Hood is dissing the Bloods, and we’re scheduled in three days to have Ice Cube kill the murderers at a burger stand right across the street from the Jungle.” But Singleton didn’t want to make any changes; it fell to Nicolaides and Ice Cube to persuade him to change the location to Eat a Burger in the Crenshaw mall. “We shot there, had no problem,” said Nicolaides.