Originally Posted By: 2a

Another thing that popped into my mind is the profitability of prostitution . I think everyone would agree that your average man is much more interested in sex than illegal drugs , yet in spite of that drug trafficking is supposed to be more profitable than prostitution .

Of course it's a fact that it's harder for OC groups to bring prostitutes under their wing these days with the Internet and all , however it still kind of puzzles me that drugs are considered more lucrative sex for money .

Is part of the reason as to why due to many more people paying for drugs on a daily basis than sex ? I mean I can see that a small amount of drugs costs much less than time spent with a prostitute , not to mention that there's no such thing as true blue sex addiction .

All that said I'd still wager that there's a much bigger demand for drugs than sex , so there's that as well .

One thing is the street prostitution that in italy is done by the nigerians or the albanians that pay a tax to the OC groups and another is the escorts that can be payed even 1000 euros a night. here in italy prefer to collect money by the street pimps and use the money for buy the drugs.
The uptown madams are interested in wealthy men and don't had to pay nobody with oc ties.