
I think we mostly agree, but the thing is, MASSERIA had the largest family.
But this didn't translate into MILITARY power. He was badly outfought by Maranzano. That's one of the other main reasons guys were switching to his side.
And Maranzano woulda been top boss, even though his family wasn't the biggest, but because they fought the most ferociously.

The thing about the guys under Masseria, is they weren't REALLY, loyal to him, so much as they operated under his criminal brand, his umbrella. Their loyalty wasn't based on anything that deep. They were BUSINESSMEN. But Maranzanos- Bonnanos guys loyalty is based on shared heritage so to speak. They were all from Castallamare, you could call it a criminal form of nationalism. Maranzano was described as the type of guy comfortable like, sitting in a room for days on end cleaning rifle. Like he might have more in common with a Salvatore Giuliano, Castro, let's go fight a guerilla war from the mountains and hills type of guy. Can you picture Lucky in his suits, or Costello in the Waldorf Astoria winning a war vs these type of people? Same with the Inzerillo people, waaay to classy for a bloodbath, lol...

But he suicided his own power by demanding obedience from too many other powerful gangsters.

Luciano politically outmaneuvered him by correctly judging Maranzanos underboss, Bonnano as someone he could work with. Cause if Bonnano doesn't play ball, he's got to go to war with em again, and they lost in the first place. Same with Manga is under, Anastasia, same with Gagliano, Luchesse and Petrilli, ya know....

All his moves are actually really similar to the Corleonesi. Leccara Frddi is close to Corleone right? Just an observation.....


That's a great post man, that is very interesting. But I always saw it as a war of the HAVES Vs THE HAVE NOTS lol......

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 05/29/17 12:41 AM.