I feel like you guys still don't exactly understand the clan dynamic, cause y'all are STILL talking about man power and made guys....

These clans are after ECONOMIC power, which translates to military- territorial- and political power, both in the street and with actual politicians. While the Five families have military- political like power, which translates into business opportunities and extortion.

You guys keep talking about the Calabrians " Taking Over" the five families, as if they would cross the ocean to set up a sports book. Cause that's really what you guys are talking about when you say " Take over", gambling rackets, and like MAYBE unions.

You don't NEED to be made, Italian, or from NYC to set up a drug operation, and launder the money. That's what these people are after. What you WOULD need, is customers, stash houses, secure safe places for money drops, pushers to work the streets, indeed, they would need to know WHICH streets are safe to work, in what neighborhoods. Like Sollozo, lol I always use that guy as my example, it was like a cast iron representation of what these guys look like and how they operate. Their entire philosophy kinda reminds me of the famous Rothschild quote, something like, " I care not who makes the laws, as long as I control the money.." Or some shit like that.

It would take the Feds a while to crack the Calabrians. The only reason they had any success here is because they are working hand in glove with the Italian authorities. It was the Italians who tipped the American Feds that the Piromallis had a mole in the FBI. Come on, don't be naive. The average American cop, I don't believe speaks Calabrian dialect, you KNOW you can't really get that close to these people, it's all blood relatives.

These clans can control, like hundreds of people, and yet the actual " Family" will be like 30-40 key people, and they will ALL be related.

I posted this in another thread, but it explains how the Naples gangs, Rizzuto clan, the Calabrian clans, old school cartels like the Ochoas, to new school cartels like Sinaloa, ( RIGHT NOW, Chapos relatives and sons are set to inherit the business, soon as they kill all the rivals, lol) Beltran-Leyva family, it's all about business. They don't have made members so much as salaried employees. It's more corrupt corporation than secret society. And the SHAREHOLDERS, are always the Family. In fact, the society functions solely to concentrate these criminal businesses and contacts in their hands. You don't actually NEED the society for the business.

This is the problem Luciano had to reconcile, he didn't NEED the mafia to import liquor, sell liquor, or invest the proceed from the liquor, or to bribe cops and politicians. When he got deported, same shit, he didn't NEED an army of made guys in Sicily to operate GLOBALLY, in fact Sicily hindered his efforts to expand. He sent his guys, deported Mafiosi EVERYWHERE. His success there was based on CONTACTS, and product, contacts to get the stuff, contacts in the states to receive and move it.

(actually in Mexico the most successful cartels appear to be the ones based on family)

Like this isn't even a MAFIA THING, which is what I feel like you guys try to make it. It's a DRUG ORGANIZATION THING, or more specifically, a COMMODITY based type crime syndicate, be it prohibition liquor, bootleg cigarettes, drugs, gasoline bootlegging, counterfeit cloths, something you hold in your hands. All these organizations are going to look and operate the same, I don't care if they are Latin, Italian, Black, Albanian, whatever.....

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 05/28/17 04:01 AM.