"I can maybe agree that Carlito's Way is underrated. I don't hear much about it but I only watched it once and remember not liking it. I heard that it was as good or better than Scarface and it failed miserably in those terms IMO. As for the action figures and merchandise, just wait until the Carlito's Way Special Edition DVD But seriously, I don't know why that movie hasn't "influenced the rap community" as much as Scarface has? Maybe Scarface just is the better movie "


Well, SCARFACE I prefer over CARLITO'S WAY just barely, however WAY is a really damn good crime movie that doesn't deserve that "as good as SCARFACE" or "sequel to SCARFACE" statements. If anything, that movie is of sorts Anti-SCARFACE but that is for my future VIDEO BIN REVIEW of the movie.

Besides, Tony Montana is a more amusing character. Even as a street-level thug that is a nasty toilet bug, there is a charm to some of his actions, I mean his "balls+world" speech anyone?

Then again Irishman, your reasoning of CARLITO'S WAY getting a new DVD........you know that Michael Bay's crap-masterpiece ARMAGGEDON got a CRITERION DVD? You know that MGM dished out a box-set for SHOWGIRLS awhile back?

Really, work at a Mom & Pop video store sometime instead of Blockbuster man. You will improve as a result.