So this is the thing as I said before about vininie biago and few other guys that's "not active" the thing is that people won't know unless they KNOW is they are involved. So when the old man isn't as active or involved as it may seem; I mean Boston is small and that life smaller right and a lot more random and risky etc. For example biago deals with vinny dee dee Simone spucky and the older guys who are in depth from the inside of their hearts not just to make a dollar or do it because it's hand in hand with the lifestyle. They been through a lot and the old days are over the rats are winning. So the old man is the same remember besidesa couple of guys even in his indictment with the gambling there weren't any known guys involved unless you KNOW know what I mean. So when there are sit downs that's what the acting or underboss is for you know: the blanket everyone doesn't. Red to deal directly with the man it's pointless. He deals with some of the capos and the dinunzios. Before he got involved again carm was no 2 to mannochio then when the old man stepped in he stayed under and acting meaning everything goes through him and the old man is the head the final word. And now that spunk and parrilo are away and held important seats they been replaced with one person who's seat was just being filled in and the other that needed a great fill in and matty is the man respected globally and is in to death indebted in him during birth know what I mean it's all he knows unles brothers father. And when cheese went away who took his spot his brother, when Mannochio weren't away and gave up the seat the old man took it, when the brother went away who took it spunk a longtime guy under Russo granito Rizzo Granito all stand up men of men guys so it's only right he be the acting guy to run the ship right and a guy the head cylinders deal with and trust like a Biago and Vinny and Mannochio and a guy who provoke under and upcoming will listen too. Strategic moves you ask me until the people came home and got in control. Old man no 1 cheese back at 2 and acting meaning everything goes through him and Matty who has providence in his palms and all the respect at no 3. That's the for people that if your involved besides your skipper theyre word is final and their positions are mounted ..... Boston is in the rise guys they have alot of figure heads along with some good underclassmen coming in interesting these years ahead

raymond l.s.patrairca sr to u.s. state committee- " if i didnt have my case coming up ill to come back in here with two gentlemen and when this is over with and really lay down the law, yous guys been giving me nothing but alot of hookwhick and i wish i wasnt on trial and have this case and really tell the united states whats going on "
Jerry Anguilo on wartime with winter hill - " If we got to war we got Joe Russo and the maverick boys so we have nothing to worry about they can go to vietnam and come back untouched "