Brian DePalma's SCARFACE isn't a film masterpiece...its a POP CULTURE MASTERPIECE. Big difference Irish.

Besides, the movie is actually pretty damn good. Not GREAT, but pretty damn good as I said. Real basic Rise & Fall Gangster story told over an epic 3 hour running time with some great camera crane shots from DePalma, plus a rather ridiculous screenplay by Oliver Stone..."ridiculous" in a good way as in how absurd the story goes (I mean from Tony Montana to owning a Tiger to almost getting chopped to pieces with a chainsaw to oh ya, a Latin Clown being shot to bits in a nightclub). Besides Pacino is really fun and charismatic as the lead character.

But SCARFACE underrated?!?!? Irish, maybe twenty years ago or back when the movie was a slowly rising cult movie in the video stores across the world, but now it is not.

A real underrated movie is CARLITO'S WAY. Do we see calenders or talking Carlito Brigante figures?