GoldenEye - (Martin Campbell;1995;USA) - ***
James Bond must find out what happened to a secret satellite weapon known as GoldenEye.
The last good Bond film. Pierce Brosnan is very charismatic as James Bond. The plot provides interest as well as entertainment, unlike the more recent ones. Sean Bean is also a good supporting actor. Izabella Scorupco is charming and a decent actress as the Bond girl. Tina Turner's opening song is very good.

The Outlaw - (Howard Hughes;1943;USA) - **
Doc Holiday hides Billy the Kid in his girlfriend's house when he is shot, although he begins to fall for her.
The problem with this film is it's not very interesting. The film almost feels like an excuse to show off Jane Russell, by using a western story, which was popular at the time. The performances aren't much either, although I liked Walter Huston was Doc Holliday. The cinematography is very good, though.

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