Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
This is VERY REALISTIC. I can completely relate to Meadow in this scene. And it is much better for everyone to NEVER tell your Italian father about men who bother you because 9 times out of 10, the outcome is not good.


There is NO such thing as Forgive and Forget in the Italian male DNA.

Meadow inadvertently starts a mob war. lol.

Great camera work following Tony into the restaurant, hand on the gun as Coco obliviously laughs it up with Butchie.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea