Originally Posted By: hoodlum

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Sam Huff of NY Giants--great linebacker.

That's the thing TB. How many young fans today ever heard of Huff, Jim Brown, Alex Karras, YA Tittle, or Roman Gabriel. That's why NFL Network's Top 10 is so unrealistic; if you don't see these guys play, you really can't rate them.
Kids 2day dont really know a thing about guys like Roman..(I remember as a kid when he came 2 us here in philly from the l.a. rams)..George Blanda,Tom Dempsey,Bob Greise, Roger Staubach etc..johnny unitas.

Part of that is revisionist history perpetuated by the NFL itself. For the most part, they act as though football began with Super Bowl I, ignoring the legacies of the players you've mentioned for the most part. I'm not sure what the rationale is for that, but I know I never really learned anything about early-era quarterbacks like Sammy Baugh and Otto Graham until I first read about them, then sought out footage of them on my own.

A lesser part is while some sports lend themselves to youtubing, football does not. It's very easy to watch old boxing matches like say Jack Dempsey vs Luis Angel Firpo and really get a sense of the fighters in a relatively small amount of time, but you can't hardly find youtube listings for entire NFL games that predate Super Bowl I. And if you did want to watch Super Bowl I, you would have to commit over 2 1/2 hours to it. And it's hard to get a real sense of every notable player from a single NFL game, even a Super Bowl.