Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
[b]Cidade de Deus (City of God) - (Fernando Meirelles;2002;Brazil) - **** (sorry to bastardize your scoring format, DV :p )

Anyone else a fan of this film? I think it's the most incredible film released so far this decade, and that's saying something, as I'm not privvy to watching many foreign films. [/b]
It's on HBO, or one of the big movie channels all the time, but for some reason I always skip over it. I'll have to check it out.

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."