Originally Posted By: blueracing347
About eight years ago I left church and headed over to my friend's house on my motorcycle. I was about two blocks from his house. BOOM! Some Fucking old bitch from Connecticut ran a stop sign. I t-boned her and went flying. When I came to, I got up and surveyed the area, red plastic everywhere. I was able to stand up to further assess the damage. The lady's car with my bike through the windshield finally stopped in the front wall of a house. I looked down and had blood all over my legs, but nothing serious. But I had to sit down and have a smoke. People started gathering and everyone kept saying "she's dead but the dog it's still alive" Wtf just happened. The paramedics came and told me my leg had a compound fracture and i needed to be bay flited. I said my leg isn't broken, I had previously broken both legs in another accident when I was a teenager and knew what a broken leg felt like. In the helicopter I go. My left knee sheered off the handlebar but no serious injuries. Just an i&d and some stitches.The lady lived, they paid for a new bike but I kept the money and considered myself lucky to be alive. A few days later, I get a letter in the mail with a ticket for not wearing a Fucking helmet. Not one scratch on my face. The roads are a dangerous place. The lady was lucky I wasn't in my truck bc she would have been ran over with her poor dog. I would've felt bad about the dog though.

The point of the story is...do not go to church lol kidding, lucky you stayed alive

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good