The Hustler (61/Robert Rossen/US) 8/10

The Hustler vs The Color of Money

The Hustler has a more elevated story compared to The Color of Money, it also has better acting. However, what it lacks compared to The Color of Money is the today's cinematography. The way the scenes were shot gives you the feeling that actors don't do their own shots while they really do. Cuts from ones face to hands and then cut to balls falling into pockets which happens almost 60-70% of the games steal away that pleasure and awe. The only problem this movie really has is that it has been filmed over 40 years ago with the limited achievement in camera work.
It also tears me apart to know what's happened to that cute face of Paul Newman over the years.

In regards to playing pool, The Hustler has more to offer, players say which ball into which pocket each time. Of course in both movies there is a phenomenal scene, the Masse shot in The Hustler and the Jump shot in The Color of Money which is the only shots that's been done by a pool expert rather than the actors.

Amadeus (84/Milos Forman/US) 9.5/10

This is the story of mankind trapped in mediocrity: When the wicked are confounded, [they] consigned to flames of woe.

Salieri, the court's composer, idolizes Mozart to the point that he wishes he too, could compose as heavenly as Mozart would do and this longing and disability to do so makes him want to destroy Mozart. Name of the movie stands beautifully for the main theme: "Amadeus" or God's beloved. Salieri suffers to believe God speaks through Mozart but denies him even a small share of his glory.

I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint. Mediocrities everywhere... I absolve you. I absolve you.

But there is more to this story than the main theme. It also pictures struggling life of an artist, probably not such accurate depiction yet brilliant enough to catch up with his music. It mocks censorship and rules, which wouldn't let the artist express his work in the way he likes.

This movie is simply amazing, the setting, the costumes and the acting is marvelous. Displace one note and there would be diminishment, displace one phrase and the structure would fall.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones