Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

The "mafia style" structure your intrigue is really going to be little to non existence in these groups. Think about it from a different angle, How many crime groups or Firms in England have that structure? There's different structures that effective for 1 group but not for others per say.

It's certainly true that one cannot expect all mob groups to have the same structure , however the point I was trying to make was that no currently existing Anglo criminal organizations in the USA can be put into the same category as ( say ) the late Benny Binion organization .

I mean the Aryan Brotherhood ( as well as many other white power prison outfits ) definitely has a structure , yet it would be a mistake to refer to it as a mob group , since it's a completely different type of criminal organization . After all these white power prison gangs pretty much confine their activities to behind prison walls , so it would be a mistake to put them into the same category as bona fide mob groups .

At any rate while I admit this topic might be a little bit pedantic , I still think it's interesting to note that Anglo mob groups have essentially gone the way of the dodo in the US . Numerous reasons probably abound as to why , but it seems that Anglo criminals prefer criminal networks to criminal organizations when outside of prison .