Originally posted by Tony Mosrite:
just watched Lost in Translation.. what you think of it? I was amazed all the first half of the film, but then it slowed a little bit. anyway a great movie, top 3 from 2003 for me.
I was very disappointed in it. I had heard it was such a great movie and funny as well and after watching it, neither of those are true. I like Bill Murray as much as the next man, but this movie wasn't that funny and was not great in anyway!

As for me, my ma & I just watched Hostage. It was pretty good. It's good to see Bruce Willis again and some of the direction was cool (the opening credits) and seeing Bruce Willis in the opening scene made me think I was in for a treat tonight but alas it wasn't so. The story just didn't seem as interesting as it did at first and a lot of questions were left unanswered at the end which pissed me off. However Ben Foster and Marshall Allman put on some good performances as Mars and Dennis respectively.