Originally Posted By: americafyeah
Originally Posted By: alicecooper
So like...every bad prison likely has a group of white power guys right?

Hasn't it been a trend for 20 years or so that the white power element becomes more and more fragmented as time goes on? I don't follow the current stuff much.

Amf, the splc...in my optinion the most powerful hate group in the country.

notice when you type in the search engine the name of the socalled wp groups,the SPLC is always the first one to come up. wp groups are highly infiltrated at this point,moastly by the feds,and some groups i suspect are entirely fed-run like the NSM. but it's knot like it was in the old days,you hardly see them at Metal shows they used to like cause riots and mayhem everytime they showed up.there's onlya few in my estimatnion

The SPLC is nothing more than à propaganda outlet, a very rich and influential one at that. The existence of an all powerful white racist organization fits their warped perception of reality. They are silent when it comes to groups like Blm and similar groups, who've killed more people in last couple of years than the much talked about KKK and similar type groups. One of the last killings done by the AB was the murder of Billy Bright a hitter who was part of Tommy Pitera's crew, ànd they did for Mark Reiter,a Jewish guy convicted of dealing junk.