And July's filmwatching begins thus:

How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck ** (1st Time)
1976, Herzog, WGer
Cattle auctioneers gather in a small Amish town for the World Championships.
Decidedly eccentric subject matter for an often funny documentary with political asides, in which it compares capitalist America to the inhibited Amish community in which the tournament is held.

La Soufrière *** (1st Time)
1977, Herzog, WGer
On the island of Guadaloupe, a volcano shows signs of erupting. While the nearby population evacuates, Werner Herzog ascends the mountain in search of the man refusing to move.
Fantastic, characteristic view of the director's fascination and search for his own reasoning behind confronting danger.

Große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner, Die/The Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner *** (1st Time)
1974, Herzog, WGer
A carpenter whose true love in life is ski-jumping sets world records and becomes a phenomenon.
The said phenomenom is not least in the director's eyes, or even in Steiner's own psychology; a fine study of a man wanting to, like the director, push as many of his own boundaries as he can.

Nran Gouyne/The Colour of Pomegranates ** (1st Time)
1969, Parajanov, USSR
The life and death of an 18th century Armenian poet.
Painterly succession of images, episodic in narrative and with very little dialogue; abstract and aesthetically absorbing.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?