Once Upon a Time In America (1984, Leone)

The ultimate story of friendship, this film is Leone's ultimate masterpiece. 4 friends, Noodles Aaronson (Robert DeNiro), Max Bercovizc (James Woods), Pasty Goldberg (James Hayden), and Cockeye Stein (William Forsythe) start out as small kids rolling drunks for cash, to small time hoods, in this film spanning over 50 years. James Woods gives the performance of his career and Robert DeNiro is excellent, as well.

I find it surprising when great gangster films are talked about, this is not included. But this film is something more than a gangster film. The depth of the characters in this film, and the whole character development is excellent. I based this review on the Director's Cut (229 min.) which is the only version someone should see, to fully understand Once Upon a Time In America.

This film is frequently compared to The Godfather which I find very surprising. These two films are extremely different from each other. Ennio Morricone's score fits beautifully with this film. The ending is very surprising, yet anti-climactic. Otherwise, this film is excellent.

Final Rating: ****/****

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