Hi Wow reading what you guys right is insane. First off Anthony gets out in 2032 he has a 75 year sentence under the old low if any of you know what that means. He has been eligible for parole for many years i know one year here did not go because Joe Testa was not going. I believe they can go ever 2 years not sure. They will both max out. In the mean time there are no bodies on Anthony's case he was only going to get 9 years but in the old mcc or mdc building the rat on his case got on the stand and said he new Anthony and did things with him then 10 years later he go's on Larry King and said he never met Anthony. The judge said he did not believe the guy but yet he believe the guy when he lied on the stand. No matter what people say that crew did in our system you should not be convicted one lies or false testimony.