Originally Posted By: Footreads
Who knows he should be in jail. Then again the fake Italian can be bought so it might be good if he is reelected. We have MMA because of him I like that and we have urber because of him I like that as well. There is still talk of Hillary running for major and they have another democrat running against him on the democrat ticket. The cops hate him so he got that going for him. More crime here then before because of the no frisk policy. I think minorities have to be able to make money as well. They work cheap any one who works cheap is a good thing. Then we have the cop I run into all the time is thinking of running. I might donate to any democrat to keep him from becoming mayor.

So maybe DeBlasio will run for governor if our governor wants to run for president smile so is it all clear for you now smile

Is that cop really running for mayor? He's friggin annoying that guy.