I decided to watch Casino again, rather than Once Upon a Time in America. That isn't a knock against Once Upon a Time..., but I didn't watch Casino the whole way through last time, on account of my PS2 being a racist prick against my flipper. So I watch it again, and enjoyed more than I did the first time. Sure, roughly 80% of the film is nothing but narrating, and I'll admit, it annoyed me during the first viewing, but I appreciated it more this time. Might as well narrate if you have a good story to tell. I also watched the History Channel special feature on the B-side of the disc, telling the true story of Casino. It was really fascinating, as it had rare interview footage with the man "Ace" Rothstein was based on, Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal.

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis