Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
yeah I agree with that Irishman, although I only saw 1 part where the story changed, if there are more can you pm them to me?


The other thing I didn't like is that the ending doesnot really leave room for another movie. [/b]
How so? I thought it left it open perfectly for The Joker's intro into the movie (plus as they said the Scarecrow was never caught). I told my friend about this last night and he got all over me for it but I am used to the story of Jack Napier (aka The Joker) killing Bruce Wayne's parents and not some other bum in an alley. That's what I had the biggest beef with was the change of story. It really wasn't true to the original 4 and he said there were many origins to Batman, which I thought was horrible. I mean, how many different origins are there? How many different origins does Superman have!?