Originally posted by Aziatic:
How do others rate David Leans work?
I have a lot of Lean's work unseen in my room. I've seen Dr. Zhivago, a sweeping epic which is beautiful to look at but is too slow and overlong. Lean's best work that I've seen is Brief Encounter (1945), a sophisticated romance that has been much repeated and never surpassed; a small theme is given much depth by the two leading performances, the writing, and the technical wizardy of Lean. Modest, British, Masterpiece.

Irishman, I also have The Apartment in my room. I love Wilder. One of the finest directors ever.


...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?