Dead Man's Shoes **** (Top 100) (2nd Time)
2004, Meadows, GB
An ex-soldier returns to his rural home town in order to avenge the bullying of his younger, retarded brother.
Brilliantly realised drama which plays like a serial-killer horror (at one point, there is a point-of-view shot behind a gas mask, breathing included). Phenomenal performances and a well-judged tone throughout mark this an endurable tale of revenge, redemption and justice.

Bande à part/Band of Outsiders *** (2nd Time)
1964, Godard, Fr
While caught up in a robbery plan, a young girl is torn between two boy friends.
Entertaining trip into pop culture that should never be taken seriously; the director certainly didn't.

Sib/The Apple **** (1st Time)
1998, Makhmalbaf, Iran
True story of, after twelve years of imprisonment by their father, two twin girls facing the outside world for the first time in their life.
A phenomenal docudrama; simple, humane, and entirely effective, beginning on a haunted note and ending on an uplifting one. There are no theatrics regarding plot, and judgement is left to the audience; the director is restrained throughout.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?