Originally Posted By: Strax
This thread can help you: http://www.gangsterbb.net/threads/ubbthr...9086#Post889086

Is there any clan that you are particularly interested in?
There are A LOT of them.

Thanks Strax & furio. There wasn't one particular clan that led me to this question. I've just been interested in how Italy runs their O.C. and have read up on some of the factions but don't really find much on the leader. Obviously, Cosa Nostra clans like the Inzerillo & Corleonesi jump out from their history. The Camorra, the Casalesi clan jumps out. for the 'Ndrangheta, they all seem to be very secretive and quiet... which helps them be as successful as they are right now.

This all started with reading up on how families in America work with these Italian families. I know Frank Cali has a close ties with the Inzerillo's for example. But most of the "bosses" I come across are now locked up and new bosses seem to hardly be identified... which I understand is the goal, but I was just interested in seeing what I could come across.