The actual hit involved Joe The Blonde aka Little Rabbit aka Joe Biondo. That's according to Det. Coffey.

Carlo and Joe Biondo had a falling out at some point, over money hidden from Carlo. Therefore Carlo and Biondo were thick as thieves. This might implicate Carlo Gambino further up the chain of command in the conspiracy to whack Anastasia.

Cui Bono? Who benefits? We know Carlo became boss. But what did Biondo get? Biondo probably became very wealthy [or wealthier] through narcotics trafficking within the Gambino family using the docks, ports which Albert once controlled.

That of course wasn't why Albert was hit. But whoever cultivated and sought out Albert's enemies within the Anastasia family knew to approach those who stood to gain financially from Albert's demise, and those who had been disrespected by him, in particular, Carlo.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."