Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Good points. A few questions. What % of the stories that we hear about involving hate crimes/bias incidents are real versus hoaxes in your opinion? Stories of religious monuments being knocked down, ethnic organizations receiving bomb threats, symbols of hate/slurs being left on property. These have become national stories the past month or so. Think it's just heightened media coverage of things that always occur or something else?

Gets, that's a tough one that I can't answer, even with a guess. One hoax is one hoax too many. Many of these crimes only make local news, and often when they do make national news, if they're discovered to be a hoax and that hoax goes against their narrative, the correction will be barely mentioned at all.

Today I was reading about some teen, I think it was a 17-year-old girl, who lied about being raped so a guy she liked would feel sorry for her. That was a hoax, but not a racial hoax.

I think when it comes to racial hoaxes, they usually fall into two categories. The first is people who use race to cover up for serious crimes, like Susan Smith, who blamed a black men for the murder of her baby, which she committed. The second type is the professional victim or SJW crime, like the Duke lacrosse rape case, where everyone worked against the students because it fit a racial victim narrative.

Now while researching an answer I found a couple sites that may provide a better answer to your question. Since I just found them I can't vouch for their accuracy nor if they have some sort of bias of their own.

